Diablo III Skill Details and Videos

Blizzard Entertainment’s official Diablo III website is hosting descriptions, statistics, and in-action videos for twenty of the skills available to the game’s five classes. Since I typically go for casters, here’s what to expect from some of the Wizard’s skills:


Cost: 20 Arcane Power

Thrust a beam of pure energy forward, dealing 170% weapon damage as Arcane and disintegrating enemies it kills.

Energy Armor

Cost: 25 Arcane Power

Focus your energies, increasing your Armor by 65% but lowers your maximum Arcane Power by 20. Lasts 120 seconds.This is an Armor spell. Only one Armor spell can be active at a time.


Cost: 20 Arcane Power

Summon a companion that will attack your targets for 20% weapon damage as Arcane. This companion cannot be targeted or damaged by enemies. Pet lasts 120 seconds.


Cost: 40 Arcane Power

Summon a multi-headed Hydra for 15 seconds that attacks enemies with bolts of fire dealing 25% weapon damage as Fire. You may only have one Hydra active at a time.

Mirror Image

Cooldown: 15 seconds

Summon 2 illusionary duplicates of yourself that last for 7 seconds and have 25% of your Life. The images may cast some of the same spells as you, but those spells deal no damage.


Cost: 60 Arcane Power

Summon an immense meteor that plummets from the sky causing 250% weapon damage as Fire to all enemies it crashes into. The ground it hits is scorched with molten fire that deals 100% weapon damage as Fire over 3 seconds.

Ray of Frost


Cost: 20 Arcane Power

Project a beam of frozen ice that blasts 200% weapon damage as Cold to the first enemy it hits, slowing the target’s movement by 30% and attack speed by 20% for 3 seconds.

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