Diablo III v1.0.3b Patch Released

Along with some relatively minor bug fixes, the new v1.0.3b patch for Diablo III makes gems, dyes, crafting materials, plans/designs, and pages of training fair game on the real-money auction house. Get your wallet ready:

Auction House

  • General
    • The following commodities are now available for trading in the real-money auction house (gold commodity trading is coming soon):
      • Gems
      • Dyes
      • Crafting materials
      • Blacksmithing Plans and Jeweler Designs
      • Pages of Training
  • Bug Fixes
    • The “Bid” and “Buyout” buttons will now be correctly grayed-out in the confirmation window when attempting to purchase an item with insufficient gold

Bug Fixes

  • General
    • Fixed a bug where leaving a heavily-populated General chat channel would prevent players from rejoining any General chat channel until they logged out and logged back in
    • Fixed several tooltip-related bugs that were occurring when viewing items with 2 or more sockets in the auction house and profile pages
    • Fixed a rare crash with tutorials on item pickup
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