Diablo: Immortal – Class Change and New Features Update Now Live

Blizzard Entertainment has put together a new update for their mobile-centric action-RPG Diablo: Immortal. The update allows you to change your character’s class, introduces a new endgame system with Hero’s Journey, kicks off a couple of limited-time events, adds a new boss, and more.

Here’s an overview of the main new features:

Hail, adventurer.

Since our last encounter, many of you have come face-to-face with icy death against Vitaath, acquired blessings from the Hungering Moon, and kept Sanctuary’s denizens safe as a result of your valor.

A few weeks ago, we provided you with our first batch of post-launch content for Diablo Immortal. This week, we’re excited to unveil the new Class Change mechanic, two in-game events, our deadliest Helliquary boss yet, and more. All the items mentioned below will go live on July 20 at 3 a.m. server time—specific dates for content going live afterward are provided below. Let’s dive right in!


In Diablo games, your journey begins with an important choice: which class will you play as? To alleviate some of the pressure associated with this choice, and to equip players with increased flexibility in how they play, we’re adding a new Class Change mechanic to Diablo Immortal.

After being up close and personal as a Barbarian, perhaps you’re ready to sheathe your swords and manipulate arcane forces from afar as a Wizard. Class Change presents an opportunity for a fresh start while maintaining most of your previous progress. To experience Sanctuary anew as a different class, visit the Shifting Flames brazier in Westmarch to begin.

Below are a few rules surrounding the Class Change mechanic:

  • Class Change becomes available for a character beginning at level 35.
  • You may change your class once every seven days and at no cost—there is also a one-time option to immediately revert to your previous class, skipping the seven-day waiting period. There are no current plans to allow players to purchase the ability to change classes more frequently.
  • When you change to each class for the first time, you can set the appearance of your character and receive a full reset of your Paragon Trees.
  • Upon changing to each class for the first time, you will be granted placeholder gear. The placeholder gear will have an equivalent rank to the previously equipped gear of your last class.
  • All Clan, Warband and other social group affiliations will carry over.
  • Some class-specific cosmetics and gear will not carry over when you change classes. All gear equipped to your previous class will be available in your inventory. Any cosmetics owned for a class will be retained on that class and will be available upon changing back to it.


Muster all your grit and tenacity, for the journey ahead is rife with both untold glory and righteous rewards. Hero’s Journey is a new end-game experience that unlocks for adventurers during the Frozen Tundra portion of the main questline. Consisting of four chapters, with two more planned for the future, Hero’s Journey will send you to complete mettle-testing objectives that scale in difficulty as you rise in Paragon Level.

If you can prove you’re up to the task, a bounty of rewards is here to greet you upon completing each chapter. These range from large sums of gold or Platinum to Aspirant’s Keys, Legendary Crests, and even the Glorious Journey Portrait Frame.


In Sanctuary few are capable enough to stand against the darkness and wager their life for the defenseless. But you, adventurer, have consigned your days to thinning out the ranks of the Burning Hells, ushering in safety where all hope was once lost. The downtrodden look up to you, and to continue serving them, you must walk the Adventurer’s Path.

From July 20 at 3:00 a.m.–August 3 at 3:00 a.m. server time, as you complete Adventurer’s Path tasks, you’ll earn gold, enchanted dust, and scrap materials for your heroics. Racking up enough completed tasks will also unlock milestone rewards for you:

  • Upon completion of eight tasks: 10 Aspirant’s keys
  • Upon completion of 16 tasks: the Adventurer’s Laurel Portrait Frame
  • Upon completion of 20 tasks: one Legendary Crest


Rayek has located another one! But he’s going to need the help of a few hardened adventurers to quell this gargantuan and impossibly ancient threat. Gorgothra is the third of the Wrathborne demons to plague Sanctuary. She has earned the worship of countless demons over the ages, but is no stranger to combat—her petrification rays, bilious venom, and serpentine strikes dwarf the power of Lassal and Vitaath.

Do you possess the demon-slaying prowess needed to overcome Gorgothra’s wrath? Or will you become another ossified corpse decorating her lair? Assemble your group at the Helliquary, for Gorgothra emerges on August 2.


The moon is back for seconds, and it demands more blood. . . perhaps even yours! Gaze upon the moon—bask in its hallowed glow, heed its howl for sustenance, and lunar-laced blessings you shall be bestowed. Fulfilling the moon’s demands will earn you Moonslivers, which can be traded for Blessings. After acquiring seven Blessings you will have curried enough goodwill with the moon to trade these in for a random reward such as: Enchanted Dust, Glowing Shards, and Legendary gear. Offer enough blessings to the moon and it will even present you with its favor—a bundle consisting of one Legendary Crest and more.

We welcome brave adventurers to lend their hand in satiating the moon’s hunger from July 29 3:00 a.m.–August 1 3:00 a.m. server time.


The Amber Blades are one of the foremost desert gangs vying for control of Shassar, and notably less vicious in their behavior than their largest adversary, the Sand Scorpions. The Blades condemn the Scorpions’ forced labor and attacks on caravans, and take every opportunity to disrupt their most vicious plans. Whether this approach is a matter of morality or a recruiting technique is known only to the Amber Blades themselves.

Shield yourself from the sun’s unyielding rays while trekking through an unforgiving sea of sand with the Amber Blades Cosmetic Set—purchasable from the in-game shop.

If you’re looking for the newest round of hotfixes and bug fixes implemented for Diablo Immortal across all supported platforms, they can be found here. For PC-only hotfixes, bug fixes, and patch notes, visit our known issues blog.

We’ll see you in Sanctuary!
-The Diablo Immortal Team

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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