Digimancy Entertainment – Danil Goshko Interview

While we’re waiting for George Ziets’ Digimancy Entertainment to make their move and reveal their mystery project, they bring us this in-house interview with Danil Goshko, the studio’s senior technical artist, that covers his background and what it’s like to be a technical artist.

For example:

How did you transition to becoming a Technical Artist?

As a small startup, everyone contributes in several different areas, like development, production, and marketing. However, I thought that rather than touching every aspect of gamedev it might be more productive for me to focus on a specialization like Technical Art.

So at that point, I transitioned myself to a big studio and worked there four years as a dedicated Technical Artist. At this studio, I worked on five or six projects, several closed and several successfully launched. It was great, but we primarily were working on free-to-play titles. Usually, when games like this launch, they do not need much additional Tech Art support.

So, I was again looking for a new challenge and discovered another small, promising startup. Kind of similar to the studio I joined back in 2014, but this time made up of professional gamedev veterans, and I had at least one good friend at this new studio, so that helped too.

Around this time, I got an E-Mail thanks to my tutorial series. It was from Nick Miller at Digimancy asking me if I wanted to create cool content for computer role-playing games (CRPGs), and I thought it might be a good idea to speak with Nick about the offer.

So together with Nick, I had a conversation with George Ziets about what they were looking for and the philosophy behind Digimancy, and I was just thinking to myself that I really needed to be a part of this new studio. Soon after that conversation, I received a formal offer to collaborate with them on a new project.

That happened in 2021, and since then, I have been more than happy working here at Digimancy.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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