Din’s Curse v1.020 Beta Patch Released

Another big list of changes are included in the new Din’s Curse v1.020 beta patch, though version 1.010 is still the latest stable release. Anyway, the notes:

‘¢ fixed losing name in unshrink quest after npc died (demoss)
‘¢ made smaller buttons on npc menus slightly bigger to fit text better (DemonWar)
‘¢ mana numbers are now guaranteed network data (demoss/Roswitha/Nobear)
‘¢ fixed rogue stealth not breaking when attacking scouts (demoss)
‘¢ fixed a npc killed message when credit was the npc
‘¢ can now assign mouse buttons to use slots (Jorlen)
‘¢ made pet ui smaller to not get in the way of the event text as much (abomination5/pnakotus)
‘¢ fixed mouse buttons not working sometimes after being disconnected from server (Roswitha)
‘¢ fixed widgets sometimes not releasing mouse properly if something unexpected happens (dhex/GreatStalin)
‘¢ completely redid Savage Lair graphics
‘¢ moved stuff around on load character screen to look better
‘¢ reworked the confirm Delete Character screen to look better
‘¢ fixed a collision issue in torment tomb (tacitus)
‘¢ decreased traitor use weight from 0.1 to 0.025 (DemonWar)
‘¢ decreased tornado chances except for weather machines (DemonWar)
‘¢ increased infestation mult from 9.0 to 14.0 to make it a bit easier to find critters to step on (DemonWar) (Emceegyver)
‘¢ fixed dark ritual effect being off on some monsters (Bluddy)
‘¢ fixed how trap info is displayed on doors and chests
‘¢ now prioritize which quest a picked up monster body parts goes to (Bluddy)
‘¢ fixed a crash if you bought a beast from the beastmaster by dragging (DemonWar) (Caal)
‘¢ added semi-hardcore characters to hardcore heroes but gets a 0.25 multiplier to score (DemonWar)
‘¢ can now choose low, medium, or high for jpg screenshots (Stardusts)
‘¢ fixed failed to find plans to build a machine text for new machines (DemonWar)
‘¢ fixed earthquake machine building other machines text (DemonWar) (Feral23/pnakotus)
‘¢ quick sell hotkey no longer works unless buy/sell screen is up (FloodSpectre)
‘¢ fixed monetary value of cast time items (Roswitha)
‘¢ fixed a crash when meeting monsters can’t be put into the same block (Nim)
‘¢ no longer save demonic control (DemonWar)
‘¢ now need to use skills to destroy a statue dedicated to a player (Manumitted)
‘¢ increased perception magic modifier from 5/1.5 to 6/2 (NTJedi)
‘¢ reworded some of the acheivements to make it more clear that they were all of the characters combined (DemonWar) (jeremyosborne)
‘¢ fixed town sometimes winning instantly
‘¢ changed town backup quests from random quests to unique monsters so don’t accidently add a ton of optional quests
‘¢ decreased critical hit magic modifier from 0.5/0.5 to 0.4/0.4
‘¢ now cursor doesn’t change based on world when hoving over character screen (Maledictus)
‘¢ increased chances of stealing a little (DemonWar)
‘¢ decreased money level where npcs will turn traitor for money purposes (DemonWar)
‘¢ now npcs can start in debt (DemonWar)
‘¢ fixed a trap level issue
‘¢ fixed a crash if npc tries to solve own quest (DemonWar)
‘¢ fixed a crash when a boss is overthrown and he has an outstanding revenge quest also

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