Divinity: Original Sin Beta v1.0.228 Changelog

Divinity: Original Sin’s 1.7 GB alpha-to-beta update has been released, and Larian has published a comprehensive changelog on their official forums. There are quite a lot of new features and abilities to parse here:

– Added pickpocket mechanic
– Added more crafting mechanics
– Much more accurate picking
– Added “guard” feature. This will delay your turn until the end of the round
– Added a large amount of new statusses
– Added environment/weather system
– Added a lot of new AI routines to give more intelligence to NPCs and enemies
– You can hit surfaces with melee weapons now.
– A lot of enhancements to pathfinding
– Poison clouds will react to fire damage now
– NPCs can use cone based spells now
– Added new SSAO option
– Added Chat UI
– Added invulnerable status
– Added CanSee and CanShoot calls to AI
– Show game over screen when players are dead
– Sitting or sleeping now heals the character
– NPCs can open doors now
– Added correct descriptions to potions and consume results
– Added new shovel system
– Show overhead text on answers of other players in multiplayer
– Character can enter sneak now in combat
– Added touch skill animations
– Added file packing to further decrease load times
– Added continue button to main menu
– Completely revised character creation system
– Added first tutorial system
– Added system to better manage status visuals
– Added Ash and Ice death models
– Oil will slow players down
– You can start a single- or multiplayer game
– Added effect when hitting with elemental damage weapons
– Added camera interpolation system
– Added texture packer to decrease load times
– Added rain of arrows skill
– Added trap detection talent
– Physics for character will animate now
– Added weatherproof talent
– Added Vase container
– Added new cursors for ground attacks
– Added toggle armour to character creation screen
– Added 3D scene to main menu
– Added system to highlight all characters in you view
– The camera will focus better now on events happening during combat
– Added intro video

– Big optimizations to loading times
– Big optimizations to memory usage of game client
– Higher precision for projectile previews
– Fixed encumbrance problem
– Fixed big memory leak concerning effects
– Ally join allies in combat within sightrange
– Made sure that when picking up item from the ground that are already inside inventory, their is still a log about it
– Changed sneaking AP cost
– If you drag an item from your equiped slots to your inventory, it gets set in the first available slot
– Fixed character creation screen popping too fast
– Fixed jitter when swapping gender in character creation
– Fixed crash when summoning air elemental
– If you cast a “breath” attack spell from behind an object (e.g. a chest or counter, etc) then it will do dmg
– Fixed door vulnerability
– Fixed problem where you could use Rush to get past doors
– Fixed sneak issues in combat
– Fix where you didn’t get XP for charmed kills
– Fixed a lot of situations where connections could fail
– Fixed attachments being attached to wrong skeleton
– Fix where casting non targeted skills (fear) would give a incorrect combatlog message
– Fix for NPCs not reacting when lighting fire to oil, etc..
– Fixed wrong previews for splitting arrow
– Target skill radius fix
– A big optimization to how the game shroud is synched to the players
– Small network improvements and extra logging
– Fix for not seeing if an item pickup will be considered stealing when pressing “alt”
– Changed combatlog on item pickup (will now be listed as stolen if so)
– No more tooltips for destroyed items
– Force clear UIDialog when unloading level
– Changed the check for the closing of container inventories
– Fix for Infectious Disease Radius
– Skillbar will be disabled on death now
– Removed wet effects for items
– Companions can’t engage dialogs
– Added “need identifying glass” to identify string
– Added better barter trade tooltips
– No longer identify and repair price if trader is not skilled enough
– Fixed amount, weight and value in shop tooltips
– Increased durability loss when hitting objects
– Sight checks are done correctly now for dynamic objects
– Invisible characters don’t flank or trigger attack of opportunity
– You can highlight targets in “fog of war”, but you cannot directly attack them
– Fix for sheath/unsheath for combat
– Quiting game while server was loading would cause game to hang forever
– Skills in skilltree are now ordered alphabetically
– Only show playerlights for active players
– Changed secret system, added secret markers to journal and minimap
– Disabled Depth of Field in combat
– No highlights for invisible objects
– A hit without damage doesn’t interrupt a character now
– Overlay materials are applied to effects now
– HP increase fixes when character gain talents or constitution…
– Fixed problems when teleporting character across levels
– Added more info to the loading screen
– Added progress bars to the loading screen
– Request removing of attached effects as soon as a character dies
– Fixed jitter when sitting
– Fixed preview for cone spells
– Fix for Attack of Opportunity previews not pointing the right way
– Fixed crash when fleeing combat with no available waypoints
– Saving throw for death removed
– Bumped savegame version
– Fixed non logical “Not enough space” issues while dragging items
– The camera will no longer keep scrolling when a message box pops up
– Dying in smoke will not make you invisible
– Fixed several flow issues when joining/disconnecting during dialogs
– A lot of minor stabilisation fixes

– Made changes so screen ratios > 16:9 work well now
– Added pickpocket UI
– New tooltip positioning system (works better with very wide resolutions)
– New loadingscreens
– New main menu art
– New skill tab
– Added RockPaperScissor UI
– Added secrets icon to maps
– Changed way UI fades work (works better with very wide resolutions)
– Equipment has toggle helmet visibility now
– Reworked character creation UI
– Target info now shows status names for NPCs
– Added subtitle system
– Itemsplitter is closed when the journal opens
– Added background to item splitter UI

– Always allow a client to connect to its local server
– Made adaptations so connections to local client/server will not go through the networking layer.
– Fixed bug causing ghost clients to appear in the multiplayer menu when restarting server while there are clients connected
– Avoid client always enabling UPnP, even when connecting to local server or a LAN address
– Avoid connecting / staying connected to NATPunch server if not required
– Various other small improvements and tweaks
– Fixed minor bug causing local client to be identified as NATPunch server

– Fixes to item names, NPC dialogs and in-game tooltips
– Fix: charmed characters cannot target you anymore
– Fix: AI should move if it cannot see or hit its target
– Updated descriptions of abilities
– Updated descriptions of skills
– New Witchcraft skills:
+ Oath Of Desecration
+ Malediction
+ Enfeebling Touch
+ Bloodletting
+ Blind
+ Absorb The Elements
+ Summon Undead
+ Summon Armoured Undead Decapitator
+ Destroy Summon
+ Vampiric Touch
+ Drain Willpower
+ Mass Weakness
+ Horrific Scream
+ Enfeeble
+ Death Punch
+ Invulnerability

– New Warrior skills:
+ Draw Blood
+ Crippling Blow
+ Helping Hand
+ Rage
+ Eroding Strike
+ Divine Light

– New Ranger skills:
+ Infect
+ Survivor’s Karma
+ Ricochet
+ Treat Poison
+ First Aid
+ Doctor

– New Elemental skills:
+ Burning Touch
+ Cold Immunity
+ Bitter Cold
+ Headvice
+ Slow Current
+ Water Of Life
+ Summon Wolf
+ Midnight Oil
+ Wildfire (Haste)
+ Fortify
+ Bless
+ Farseer
+ Become Air
+ Poisoning Immunity
+ Shocking Touch
+ Burn My Eyes
+ Freezing Touch
+ Self Immolation
+ Invisible
+ Petrifying Touch
+ Smokescreen
+ Featherfall
+ Summon Bloodswarm
+ Electrified Immunity
+ Cleansing Water
+ Explode
+ Burning Immunity
+ Blessed Earth
+ Immolation
+ Remove Petrification
+ Mass Disease
+ Summon Spider
+ Lava Core
+ Nature’s Curse
+ Make Invisible
+ Mass Slow

– Fix: should target invisible or sneaking characters
– New magic boosts and boost distribution for treasure generation
– Fixes to treasure (items dropped, magic applied, chances, tables, tables assigned)
– Fixes to default actions of items (pick up useful items, armor, equipment; open containers; use story and puzzle items)
– More items can now be destroyed, moved and picked up
– All mirrors are now interactable (display text)
– Better shovel/digging mechanic
– Folded shirts are no longer equipable, are just loot
– Treasure now drops potions other than just healing
– Victoria now has her own treasure table
– Pitchfork has stats now
– Fix: Key fix in abandoned cellar
– Iron gate in Esme’s cellar now requires key
– Dungeon flamethrower guy now has better treasure
– Finding hidden item now plays effect on item
– Vase treasure and stats, can move and pick up vase
– Flamethrower skeleton now casts flamethrower cone spell
– Set container visuals for different containers
– The hole in the graveyard was too obvious, now requires digging
– Creating certain combos (res potions, arrows) has become a bit easier
– Stone cathedral guardians
– Renamed Jahan’s Shirt to Jahan’s Gambeson
– Updated Dietmar fight
– New scripts for enemies that heal and fix allies
– Fire mound near Charred Plains
– Charred Plains fight
– Shepherds and wolves fight
– Updated Sparkmaster fight
– Updated Evelyn’s hideout
– Moved and removed books
– There are now recipes and lore books in Cyseal
– Braccus fight
– Church fights
– Created water arrows
– Melee enemies avoid heroes with the Stench talent
– Defined what tooltips should show when you hold ALT and what tooltips only show when you mouseover
– New char presets
– Hair colour names and skin colour names
– Treasure tables for luck
– Weaver has trading table
– Fix: Cyseal enemy level distribution
– Fix: archers could still shoot old targets (who could be dead)
– Short and long descriptions of presets
– Tutorial dungeon and start of Cyseal
– All staffs now do a type of elemental damage
– Item combos with rings now only work with “Jeweller Kit” and not normal rings
– Fix: All rings and amulets and belts should be wearable, not just the ones with stats
– Portraits of characters
– Uniform of Cyseal Soldiers
– More traders: can now trade with most NPCs
– Animals don’t trade
– Rats now give hints and lore about the world
– Renamed some keys
– Renamed enemies
– Added digging in the graveyard
– Fixed and improved Headless Nick quest
– Improved crab summoner in Black Cove
– Minimap updated
– Added HasMetParty call to story
– Added more guards to Cyseal area
– Fixed a lot of issues in companion dialogs
– Fixed problems with traders on market
– Fixed issues with AI mesh on a lot of places
– Added more affection flags to characters
– Changed infected dog dialogs
– Added reactions when pickpocket fails
– Change companion dismiss method
– Removed party dialog on death
– Certain animals will not spot sneakers now
– Fix meteor skill
– Fixed shroud issues in the End of Time / Homestead

– [Block] Game gets blocked if you kill Evelyn & then talk to Jahan about it, while combat is not finished yet
– [Gameplay] Vandalizing a door -> go into combat -> guards still want to arrest you, dialog happens but still in combat
– [Gameplay] One of the sparring legionnaires is invulnerable, stuck in combat with him
– [Gameplay] Cyseal – cant select esmeralda through pillar – have to move camera and cant even see her
– [Gameplay] Remove the puzzle_hidden script from all items, it doesn’t use PERCEPTION
– [Gameplay] Smokescreen arrow has no positive effect for player and has no current use
– [Gameplay] Madora has a point in ‘Fire Elementalist’, this is no longer necessary
– [Dialog] Dialog correction regarding trespassing
– [Gameplay] Bellegar addresses Roderick as female & Scarlett as male
– [Gameplay] apples are tomatoes or tomatoes are apples – i m confused
– [Gameplay] Combat with 2h weapon -> AP costs (balancing)
– [Gameplay] ‘Tong’ has no name or description
– [Gameplay] Smelly quest stuff can be equipped – if intended, they need wearable models
– [Gameplay] The Lighthouse Horror summons wolves but you dont see them appear at all, they just appear suddenly
– [Gameplay] Spider eggs start sliding/warping towards the player when attacked outside of combat
– [Gameplay] Charmed target still attacks my party members
– [UI] Mouse problems when using Fake Fullscreen in Combat
– [Gameplay] When you leave Bellegar’s Cave (in Cyseal), the character spawns next to the entrance when leaving
– [Gameplay] Closets in cyseal dont have tooltip or name anymore
– [Gameplay] Loremaster should say it needs an identifying glass
– [Gameplay] Black bill polearm is an axe
– [Gameplay] Charm skill – when an npc comes out of charm he still hits his buddies in the same turn
– [Gameplay] [charm skill] Targets that were charmed and are hit by enemies of the player, keep hitting that target after being uncharmed
– [dialog] Immaculate ‘Sowrdsman’ typo
– [Dialog] Was in dialog with companion -> NPC which triggers a dialog passes and the dialog gets stuck
– [Gameplay] Cyseal – if i get caught hitting the backdoor of esmeralda, the guard says i have butterfingers and will call the guards
– [Gameplay] Opening door to Evelyn’s room in her lair does not trigger combat, this allows player to start picking off cultists
– [Dialog] Affection dialog logic mishap
– [Gameplay] The trap inside Cyseal Inn’s cellar destroys the chest it is protecting
– [Gameplay] The Guards that apprehend me after stealing are Dark Cultists (Luculla)
– [Gameplay] After helping the three sailors to find a new job sailors and captain both are attitude 0
– [Gameplay] If a companion casts a damaging spell on himself, he throws out a warning as if player char attacked him
– [community] Cyseal – mayor should come down again if you dont join him upstairs to see his library
– [Graphics] No mini-map & map for ‘Mirror Dungeon’ in Cyseal
– [CYS Upgrade] When you find the Reveal Spell in Evelyn’s house, there should be a journal entry.
– [Gameplay] Banter with companions still includes dual conversation even if the game option is disabled
– [Gameplay] The AoE attacks that the Demons do (the talking statues in Cyseal) makes them aggro each other
– [Gameplay] Can see NPC trigger event in distance, causing NPC to teleport from a location to another (Luculla)
– [Gameplay] No XP reward when you turn in ‘Eglandear’s quest’
– [Gameplay] Cyseal – the table outside esmeralda s house is really a chair and you can sit inside of said tablechair
– [Gameplay] If you say “en garde!” in dialog against a guard (after talking to him unsheathed) he calls for a guard to save him
– [Gameplay] Secret hatch in black cove gives exploration exp twice ?
– [Gameplay] Cyseal – blood feud – i ve killed victoria and cecil still has dialog about driving him away
– [Gameplay] If you fail to destroy Snorri’s object he doesnt do anything & quest doesnt close
– [Gameplay] Buying Victoria’s amulet breaks quest
– [Gameplay] Snorri’s Tombstone got thrown IN the floor
– [Gameplay] Resurrect skill is linked to ‘Way of the Ranger’
– [Gameplay] Inspire skill : buff icon has no tooltip info
– [Gameplay] Warrior skill Rush never knockdowns a target
– [Gameplay] Fumble ‘Beauty & The Beast’ quest: if you get the quest & then kill the troll, the quest does not close
– [Gameplay] Get into combat for a brief moment when attacking spider eggs, then get out immediately after
– [Gameplay] Kelvania has empty dialog nodes
– [Gameplay] Cyseal Northern Cave -> water plane issue? Water sounds playing when walking
– [Gameplay] Right-click on bloodstone -> empty message box appears
– [Animation] Beam effect from “healing stone” at Evelyn’s clinic does not disappear
– [Gameplay] Cyseal – healing patients – they are standing in their chairs
– [Questlog] No questlog update when you ask Aureus about the expidition to the undead church
– [Gameplay] Thelyron’s patients quest: patients models just standing there if u dont complete quest at all
– [Gameplay] Selecting a hired follower and trying to have a dialog with an NPC with him, breaks the dialog
– [charm] If you hit a guard that is charmed, he says AD not to hit him
– [Gameplay] When in Hall of Heroes (Planeshelter), the map shown is incorrect
– [Gameplay] Wrong placement of parchment from dying orc in Black Cove
– [Gameplay] Lighthouse cellar stairs (Cyseal) often do not allow the player to enter the cellar
– [Gameplay] Prisoners should not join the battle. they did not move or do anything until its forced end turned
– [Animation] When lying down on devices/furniture, the model of the player does not always correspond to the object’s model
– [Gameplay] Can interact with all bookcases, except with the 3 shown here (Cyseal)
– [Gameplay] At the shore there seem to be misplaced Stardust plants (Cyseal)
– [Assert] Assert during combat: esv::OsirisCharacterFunctions::CharacterMoveToCharacter is used on an invalid character!
– [Gameplay] AD about Evelyn’s death in Evelyn’s hideout is triggered incorrectly
– [Gameplay] NPC stuck at Cyseal Market
– [Gameplay] Cyseal – the guards at top of the bridge are saying good to have you back when i pass the first time
– [Gameplay] Have to drag-click the tombstone (while having enough STR to do it) in order to open it, clicking does not work
– [Graphics] The chicken in Cyseal Market is clipping in the stool, no longer standing on it
– [Gameplay] Charlene (citizen in Cyseal) is not killable, doesnt take damage & doesnt go in combat
– [Gameplay] Cyseal – fish thief – if you let him steal and dont tell the guards, the vendor should reduce his attitude
– [Gameplay] Sheathe mechanic on councillor Jake does nothing
– [Gameplay] When you rehire madora , the dialog stays open and the first option that hires her is replaced by the one to fire her
– [Gameplay] Orc Shaman tries to cast lightning bolt on Scarlett, even though Scarlett is far off & not part of the fight
– [Gameplay] Skills: target skills that use weaponrange also inflict status on self when in close range
– [Gameplay] You can complete the ‘Lost Love at the Lighthouse’ quest twice in a row
– [Gameplay] Lightning Strike does not trigger the electrify effect on surfaces
– [Gameplay] Casting invisbility near objects also makes those objects invisible
– [Combat] You can cast offensive spells & Arrow abilities on yourself
– [Dialog] AD says “awfullt agitated” -> needs to be “awfully”
– [Gameplay] your companions say ouch if you hit then with AE spells in combat
– [Gameplay] Cyseal – snorri tomb – dialog type : could’ve be(en)
– [Dialog] Conrad dialog lacks a question mark
– [Gameplay] Deer has stub dialog
– [Gameplay] Every time youre near a buried treasure the currently leading character yells “Careful! I spotted a trap.”
– [Gameplay] Player characters have empty entries in combat log dialog when pulling levers/fixing puzzles
– [Gameplay] If you attack the guards during AD, they finish their AD in combat
– [Gameplay] Cyseal – 2 guards that are supposed to run together can get separated but still talk to eachother
– [Gameplay] Cyseal – mortician – there are books on his chair, which dont move if you move the chair
– [Gameplay] Cyseal – you can drag ishmashell allover cyseal
– [Gameplay] Character does not sheathe weapon after dialog with NPC where player char agrees to sheathe
– [Gameplay] Random spurting water placed in Cyseal
– [Gameplay] Cyseal – leggionnaires at the burial mound – you find out thelyron is the mastermind and there is no questlog update
– [Gameplay] Magic: Saving throws, resistances and setting statuses
– [Gamepla] Nick’s Talking Head (Cyseal): can no longer talk to it, only pick it up immediately
– [Gameplay] Guard in the warehouse does not react to player opening door or moving in the southern storage room
– [Gameplay] In combat, when invisible – the enemies still follow you around
– [Gameplay] If you carve a tooth with a knife, you get an apparently ordinary arrowhead
– [SWENLIST] Farseer boost 500
– [SWENLIST] Rush doesn’t take weapon damage
– [SWENLIST] Lower cost of bitter cold so you can chain it with ice shard
– [Gameplay] “Thug camp” on the path away from Bellegar, toward Evelyn’s lair, needs a Player Comment
– [Dialog] Questlog update “Guards at the bridge” -> shown in between brackets
– Luculla – alfie escort quest – the log says Whoops! x died for each of them
– cyseal – councillor wife quest – last entry in questlog is stub
– [Tooltip] Type with action points
– [Gameplay] New DD after reading infected dog book
– [Gameplay] Community feedback about some quests that do not really resemble quests in the journal
– [Gameplay] New Source trader in Cyseal
– [Gameplay] Mirror dungeons: Created surfaces hurt the spawned enemies because they spawn in them
– [Dialog] Typo in dual dialogs ‘All right’ -> ‘Alright’
– [Gameplay] Esmeralda says “So Jake was a sourcerer” but you don’t know this yet
– [Gameplay] Bellegar and his followers do not fight back when they are in combat
– [General] Starstone situations should be a lot cooler everywhere in the game
– [Gameplay] Starstone lying at the entrance towards Luculla does not zap the player
– [Gameplay] Ranged Power Stance: currently has -25% hit chance, unlike the melee stance
– [Gameplay] Community: rename chest to evidence chest in aureus barracks
– [Gameplay] If you talk to 2nd henchman with your first henchman, his dialog progresses even though he says i talk to your boss
– [Gameplay] Treasure under the pink tree (north of cyseal) is gone
– [Gameplay] Guiding of players to left path instead of top path
– [Gameplay] Arhu no longer cares if you rob him blind when he is in cat form
– [Gameplay] When a character dies that has an exclamation mark (indicating a party dialog), the mark disappears after ressing
– [Gameplay] Lockpicks do not stack in inventory
– [Gameplay] Talking head quest: If you don’t have the requested 6 gold to hire the crowd warmer the dialog reflects that fact, bu
– [SWENLIST] Wulfram trading table ?
– [Gameplay] While Evelyn is talking, the cultists around her are in combat with the player and moving already
– [Cyseal] Guards at city gates should have Hi and Bye ADs
– [Gameplay] Cyseal – mortician – if you fail the CIR check, let him confess if ledger is in inventory and read
– [Story] Issue with crime scene info
– [Gameplay] Cant leave Braccus Rex’ area, AIgrid is blocking off exit
– [Graphics] Floating shovel in Cyseal graveyard
– [Gameplay] Zixzax at the well
– [Dialog] First dialog with Arhu at the Cyseal gate -> Arhu dialog is incorrect, starts talking about ‘mines’ and ‘Alfie’
– [Gameplay] Evelyn’s clinic star stone effect seems incorrect and not getting a party dialog after event happens
– [Gameplay] Homestead: if ice theme is picked, can not ‘Return to central room’ from observatory
– [Dialog] No ‘leave’ node on city guards when trying to get them to open the city gates
– [Gameplay] The Orcs in Evelyn’s hideout -> Wave them off, then attack them when they are friendly -> still performing script
– [Gameplay] Asking “Duke of Ferol” about his relation with Esmeralda makes him drop a lot of attitude & attack you
– [Gameplay] You can trade with Zombie Jake
– [Graphics] If you manage to destroy doors with magical locks, the lock keeps floating in the air
– [Crash] Using ‘Rain’ on the burning chest in Cyseal does not work, chest keeps being aflame
– [Gameplay] Spawning location when using ‘Cyseal Statues’ Waypoint is off
– [Gameplay] Can pick up paintings that are hiding secret triggers, when you use lever this looks extremely buggy
– [Gameplay] Graveyard Tender -> he hits the bombers himself and player gets no chance to react before death
– [Gameplay] Siva at Cyseal: can dig up her daughter’s grave when she is mourning at it -> she should go mental
– [Gameplay] Evelyn fight -> she joins too late, her AD is happening from too far off which causes her not to join combat
– [Gameplay] Can pickpocket animals, ghosts and elementals
– [Gameplay] Sam’s collar is still in your inventory after you give it to him to complete his quest
– [Gameplay] Cyseal – graveyard entrance has tombtones without text and nothing interesting to do
– [CYS Upgrade] The Jake quest generally seems to work, but it misses some finishing touches and player feedback to make it really
– [Quest feedback] Oddities with Evelyn items regarding ‘evidence’
– [Dialog] AD in Unsinkable Sam dialog ‘chocker’ -> ‘choker’
– [Dialog] Unsinkable Sam dialog missing an ‘a’
– [Gameplay] Pontius Pirate: picking up the bloodstone does not prevent the pirate from resurrecting
– [Gameplay] Line of sight issues with open gates
– [Gameplay] Little Bo Bertia quest: if you manage to take the gold from Roberts with a CIR, you cant give it to Bertia
– [Gameplay] Two chests north of Cyseal in unpassable AIgrid
– [Gameplay] Issues with characters in jail in combat
– [Gameplay] Get into combat with a guard -> the guard runs up to you and hits you once before starting turnbased combat
– [Dialog logic] I gave an item to Rodrick as Scarlett, but it was Scarlett that started a party dialog saying “thank you”
– [Gameplay] Cyseal – blood feud – there should be some sort of reprecussion for killing victoria
– [Gameplay] Evelyn can call for help from her “fellow guards”, and a couple dialogue inconsistencies
– [Gameplay] Poisoned an Earth Demon and it damage it
– [Gameplay] Empty mug -> changes into Cup of Water
– [Gameplay] Undead archer in cyseal with no weapon equipped
– [Gameplay] When trying to lie down on an occupied object, the error message it gives make it look like object is speaker
– [Gameplay] Barred jail door gives line of sight issues, you should have full line of sight through barred doors
– [dialog] Lonewolf companion changes
– [Gameplay] Cyseal – lighthouse quest – when you tell on the guards after you give info, they pop out of screen
– [Gameplay] Grieving Orc quest -> the AD you get after saying you won’t loot the body is incorrect
– [Gameplay]Ccyseal – entertainers at the fair – no quest log updates
– [Gameplay] The Councillor’s Wife quest does not close after completing the main storyline quest in Cyseal
– [Gameplay] Legionnaire Lighthouse Quest: quest doesnt finish in journal if you make the guards go check themselves
– [Gameplay] Cyseal – taking cecil living area key gets warning but does not throw key back
– [Gameplay] After you completed “A mysterious murder” in Cyseal, a follow-up quest should appear in journal
– [Gameplay] cyseal – guards lighthouse quest – once they end up in the cook s house they are spamming old AD’s
– [Gameplay] cyseal – legionnairs at lighthouse run at the lighthouse and yell ghost but he s in the cellar now
– [Dialog] Party dialog after stealing and killing an innocent -> no longer gives you bonus “traits”
– [Dialog] With Septimus (Esmeralda Guard) saying “About Jake’s death..” triggers his “do you have evidence?” dialog
– [Gameplay] I have some issues with Yoranus

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