Divinity: Original Sin Kickstarter Campaign Ends at $944,282

It’s been quite a ride, but the Divinity: Original Sin Kickstarter campaign has finally concluded, raising $944,282 on the crowdfunding platform alone, and around $1 million when Paypal and the RPG Watch and RPG Codex fundraisers are summed to it, enough for the folks at Larian to declare that all the stretch goals have been met.

This effectively means that the original design has been expanded with personality traits, companions in addition to henchmen, and a full day/night cycle with NPC schedules.

Just as I was typing this newspost a new update for the Kickstarter has gone live more or less reiterating what I just wrote and pointing to a Kickstarter retrospective video.

That should be all for now, so congratulations to Larian, and good luck with the final stretch of development for this promising RPG!

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