Divinity: Original Sin Post-funding Update #45: Game Delayed to February

Larian Studios just informed us through a post-funding Kickstarter update, that Divinity: Original Sin has been delayed to February 28 of next year, due to the extra work caused by the stretch goals:

We are very determined to implement all the extra features gained through stretch goals the way they should be implemented, which essentially means that we want to incorporate them in the story, the world and the gameplay mechanics.

This is taking us more time than we originally thought, and so, rather than cancelling a feature or a goal, we decided to move the release of Divinity: Original Sin from this fall (as originally announced) to this winter, specifically to February 28th 2014.

We realize this may be disappointing for some people who had hoped the game would still come out this year, but really, we think you’ll have a much better RPG experience when everything we wanted to put in, is actually going to be in.

For backers that have Alpha access, expect to have the rough and rugged version of Original Sin by November. Beta should be your New Year’s present in January!

You might also want to check the two videos contained in the update, concerning the delay and and the August 9th fan day.

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