Divinity Wednesday #1

Larian Studios has cranked out their first “Divinity Wednesday” update on the official Divinity II website, which includes a quick introduction by Benoit Louzas, some FAQ additions, and a selection of new screenshots. An excerpt from the introduction:

You will build your character from the ground up, and continue customizing as you gain experience. We want you to be able to define a unique Dragon Knight and create your own legend in the world of Divinity 2.

The shape-shifting element is an important part of the game because it allows a whole new viewpoint on the world, as well as an exciting new form of combat. We hope that you will also appreciate the shock factor of a Dragon Slayer actually becoming a Dragon Knight! You’ll hear more about all of this soon!

We have built the game around a multifaceted quest structure, to make sure that you’re in the centre of the adventure and creating your own unique story. We are making Divinity 2 the game that we, as fans of the big epic role playing games, have always wanted to play. We believe you should be able to explore a world from ground level up and not be restricted to linked sections of the environment. We have strived to make sure that the game delivers a seamless and exciting RPG experience that both the fans of the classic series and new players will love.

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