Does Your MMO Suck?

GamesRadar has kicked up a new piece titled “Does your MMO suck?”, in which they arrange (and profile) the top massively multiplayer RPGs in a hierarchical format. We all know who’s king, and, according to GR, every other game withers in comparison:

Continuing down the queue of MMO communities that WoW players feel superior to, we reach Lord of the Rings: Online. An MMO set in Middle-earth with characters, creatures and locations from Tolkien’s epic tales should be awesome. Unfortunately, the glut of generic high fantasy MMOs makes LoTRO anything but fantastic to the WoW player.

The game’s rich lore and the thrill of forming your own fellowship are lost on WoW players who have trained themselves to click through any boxes with text as quickly as possible lest they waste valuable farming time reading.

There’s even an animated emote programmed into WoW that lets you poke fun of the Lord of the Rings films. Just type ‘˜/joke’ for an automated jab at the entire series. You can watch this fan-made machinima version of Blizzard’s in-game parody below.

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