DoubleBear ZRPG Design Update

For this week’s design update on the official ZRPG forums, DoubleBear’s Brian Mitsoda introduces us the eight team members (excluding himself) that are busy taking a typical zombie apocalypse and turning it into an RPG. Two such people:


Oscar’s our (and AoD’s) Lead Artist. Oscar weighs the needs of the art design with the technical specs of the engine to turn low-poly objects and the right lighting into fantastic looking areas. In addition to creating models, he manages all the other artists and gives them feedback on their work or technical tips to get the most out of our poly budget. Aside from myself and Annie, he is probably most familiar with all of the design, and frequently weighs in on design issues with his giant brain full of RPG knowledge. When you see our levels and wonder why they look so good, it’s because of this man.


Brandon is new to the team. He’s been working on in-game 2D logos. Every time you go into a fictional fast food restaurant or gas station, he’s the guy that did all the signs and mascot art. You’ll probably want t-shirts with his designs on them.

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