Dragon Age II’s Unlockable Facebook Items Detailed

According to this post on the official Dragon Age Legends blog, we’ll be able to unlock a total of five items in Dragon Age II by playing through the Facebook-based RPG tie-in. Evra’s Might (ring), Evra’s Trophy Belt (belt), Air of Confidence (ring), Ivo Family Crest (amulet), Dura’s Blue Flame (amulet) are all briefly described and pictured:

We wanted our other two items to tie into the fiction of our previous collaboration with BioWare, Dragon Age Journeys. These two items – the Ivo Family Crest and Dura’s Blue Flame – play a part in the narrative of our back burner project, finishing the story of Dragon Age Journeys. For fans who completed the first chapter of Journeys, you should note that we slightly changed the name of the item from (Durus’ Blue Flame) to (Dura’s Blue Flame). It is just plain easier to pronounce.

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