Dragon Age Legends Review

After clearing stating that their experience is based on the beta version, News10’s The Game Guys have wrangled up a review of BioWare’s Dragon Age Legends. Their overall score is “NG”, though I have no idea what that means:

The companion recharging is both a blessing and a curse. Sure, it’ll make you want to spend money to get your quests completed but it also rewards those who are patient by having them wait if they want everything for free.

In addition to linear questing, players also get a castle to construct. Initially being nothing more than a three-by-three square with a bedroom on top, the castle can be built up and up the more one plays. Inside the castle, players can craft new potions, bombs and so on. Crafting these essential items does take time, though, at a rate seemingly no quicker than one per hour. Still, it’s a nice secondary way to get what you need and patient players should have no problem with the rate at which these things are created.

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