Dragon Age Newsletter Update

BioWare’s latest newsletter offers a quick update from Dragon Age senior designer Ferret Baudoin, as well as a handful of links to important Dragon Age forum threads.

“Every game I’ve ever worked on has a timetable and a deadline. Making a game is a massive cooperative enterprise filled with many unknown elements and constant revisions. It varies from project to project how far that deadline gets pushed as you go (I’ve yet to have worked on a project that hit its original deadline).

As you move forward you get a better idea of how long it takes to make the elements of your game – the writing, creating a level, creatures, etc. So you get a better sense of when you’ll be on store shelves as you go. Usually in development, I’m more curious than any fan on the forums of when the game is actually going to be done. Hopefully, that provides some insight on why devs sometimes say, “It’ll be done when it’s done” or something like it.”

– Dragon Age Senior Technical Designer Ferret A. Baudoin

It’s done when it’s done, but…

Tactical Party Control:

Differences between male and female NPCs II:

And finally, devs need love too: Ask And Ye Shall Receive:

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