Dragon Age: Origins Creature Profiles

BioWare has added two more creature profiles on the Dragon Age: Origins website, this time providing background info, screenshots, and concept art for the Desire Demon and Abomination.

Although most people enter the Fade only as dreamers, leaving with scarce memory of their experience, mages are able to walk the Fade completely aware of their surroundings. Demons are drawn to these mages, and will always attempt to possess a mage upon encountering one. Whether they do so by force or by proposing a deal depends entirely on the strength of the mage. If the demon gets the upper hand, an unholy union known as an abomination results. The creature gains access to the host’s innate magical talent and amplifies it, turning even a modest apprentice into a force of destruction. Entire squads of templars have been known to fall at the hands of a single abomination, so the Chantry takes its duty in overseeing magic users very seriously indeed.

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