Dragonlance Movie Journal #1

RPG Vault has provided us with the first in a series of diaries for Paramount’s upcoming Dragonlance animated movie. Penning the article this time around is co-executive producer Cindi Rice:

My goal when I came to California was to find a way to translate the games I love so much into the film and television world. Believe me, it has not been an easy process. As is the standard for Hollywood, tons of deals were set up, though few made it through to production. I did have the pleasure of working on both Scourge of Worlds and the second D&D movie with Silver Pictures, during which my most important responsibility was to help the producers understand the brand and advise them on how to align their creative vision with the game.

Dragonlance saw many ups and downs in its journey to the screen. During the first few years, I set up several feature film deals for it, but none of them got off the ground. Along the way, I met John Frank Rosenblum, who joined my D&D game, and became both my friend and later my business partner. He and I spent many hours at the gaming table discussing how to translate these stories into film and debating why it hadn’t happened already. Then, in a meeting with Paramount, one of the executives asked me if we’d considered animation for the project, rather than live action. We thought, “Why not?” Animation is a fantastic and creative storytelling medium, which would allow us an amazing amount of freedom to represent an entirely unique fantasy world, something completely unlike our own.

The diary also features three new images and an exclusive video from the film, so be sure to check it out.

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