Drox Operative: Invasion of the Ancients Scavenger Race Profile

Soldak Entertainment is hard at work on their Drox Operative: Invasion of the Ancients expansion pack, but they took a few minutes away from coding to share details about the Scavenger, one of the races we’ll be interacting with in the action RPG add-on.

Scavenger (Invasion of the Ancients expansion)

Drox Operative – Scavenger EscortDrox Operative – Scavenger LogoDanger Level: Very High

A mixer of vehicle components, scavengers adapted both mechanical the biological tech as solutions for Drox Operative – Scavenger Portraitadvancement. Natural evolution led to incorporating any leftover debris after battles, including other races’ ship corpses and technological abilities. Profiting from the demise of others was business as usual, but other races thought it an abhorrent practice and despised the scavengers for it. The scavengers enjoy a period of great advancement and wealth during wartime, which explains many other races’ fear and hesitancy to engage this voracious enemy.

Traits: Scavenger and Reverse Engineering

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