Drox Operative Monster Profiles, Continued

Soldak Entertainment has expanded the monsters section on the official Drox Operative website, this time introducing us to the Schism, Lasher, and Acanth. Bombs, mines, and radiation resistant shuttles headed our way:

Dryad used the small corvette sized Lasher until shuttle pods were outdated. Lasher ships have sharp angles and long, front facing pincher wings. In the wild, they formed a symbiotic relationship with the massive Quake, consuming radiation unleashed by the Quake’s attack on other vessels. Lasher are short distance ships, but hitch a ride across galaxies on a Quake’s back. The titan Quake benefit from the lasher’s long range sensors.

Lasher use beam weapons and are generally short lived. Each ship is monoecious, having the reproductive structure of both sexes, and they birth many live offspring. Since they prefer the company of Quake, they are often in the outer sections of solar systems.

Special Abilities: Rapid Fire and Radiation Resistance

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