Dungeon Hero Preview

CVG/PC Gamer has published a short preview of Dungeon Hero, with some added commentary from Firefly Studios founder Simon Bradbury and lead designer Andrew Parsons.

Believe it or not, obsessive modelling of goblin life isn’t the most exciting thing about Dungeon Hero. What really impressed me about the early demo was the combat. Firefly call it an ‘action RPG’, but it’s very light on the latter: levelling up is limited to learning new moves, and you don’t gain new weapons or armour from fallen foes.

“When you kill them,” explains lead designer Andrew Parsons, “you don’t pick up a nice little bag of gold and some broccoli. And you wouldn’t want to pick up their armour, because it’s crap. It barely protects them.” At heart this is a fighting game, and it’s shaping up to be a vicious one.

Dungeon Hero is about the realities of combat: if an enemy’s standing on your toes, you simply don’t have room to swing a two-metre length of steel. If he’s three metres away, no amount of special move fanciness is going to hit him. If enemies surround you, they won’t take turns, they’ll skewer you from all sides at once.

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