Dungeon Runners Interview

GameZone had the chance to sit down with NCsoft’s Stephen Nichols for a quick chat about their recently launched massively multiplayer action RPG, Dungeon Runners.

Q: There was once an NCsoft game (MMO) that was discarded during development. It is rumored that the engine is resurfacing in Dungeon Runners. What else might have been transposed from that other game?

A: I wonder if you’re thinking about Exarch, an old NCsoft MMO that was canceled some years ago. Yes, it’s true, Dungeon Runners is loosely based on the technology used to create Exarch. We used it as a starting point. However, we’ve stripped most of the systems down and reworked them to provide a technically superior experience for Dungeon Runners. That being said, there are still some bits of Exarch content that still survive in Dungeon Runners. For example, our snow forest areas are based on old Exarch assets… as are some weapons, monsters and avatars. Beyond the shared art assets, we have no resemblance to that old NCsoft game… may it rest in peace.

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