Dungeon Siege II: Broken World Review

Game Over Online has kicked up their review of Dungeon Siege II: Broken World, giving the expansion pack an overall score of 70%.

Broken World is not a great expansion pack it’s puny, has a thin, meaningless plot, and generally feels like it was thrown together in a great rush. It does make me want to go back and play DS2 which, at least from the summary in the BW manual, feels more extensive and complete. BW could probably, in fact, serve as a sales pitch for DS2, provided you didn’t already need DS2 to play it, which you do. I know that it has made me want to go back and play DS2. For those of you who were addicted to the DS2 game mechanics, and perhaps even for those of you who liked Titan Quest, there’s some, but not much, more of the same here.

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