Dungeon Stars to be Co-developed by Riposte Games and Furnace Games

What’s better than a game released by one critically acclaimed Indie Games Developer? A game co-developed by two acclaimed Indie Developers, of course. Riposte Games & Co, the developer behind smash hit Mini Guns and Dallas based Furnace Games have signed an agreement under which Riposte Games will publish the next two games developed by Furnace. Dungeon Stars, a hack & Slash dungeon crawler is one of those two and is due to be released for PC, mobile and consoles in 2018.

Take a look at the Dungeon Stars Trailer here”¦

Riposte Games & Co are the developers behind shop heroes and mini-guns. The latter has had over 1 million downloads within three weeks of its launch, and there’s a big update due in a few weeks, so this figure is very likely to get even higher.

Mathieu Rouleau, Chief Creative Officer at Riposte continues; “Montreal is a hotbed for talent but to compete on a global scale you have to work with the best. The Furnace team is composed of bona fide game development rock stars and luminaries.”

Dungeon Stars Story Panel

Both Riposte Games and Furnace Games are very excited about the collaboration”¦

Riposte Games Logo“We just upped the ante, dramatically”, said Johan Eile, CEO of Riposte Games. “With this deal we have added Editor’s Choice quality talent to our power team. Dungeon Boss was a staple in the top grossing charts in 2016 and is still a very good game and to be able to collaborate with the talent behind something like that is obviously awesome. Besides creating Dungeon Boss and Castleville, the Furnace team’s rap sheet spans 25 years and includes games like Mortal Kombat, Dark Age of Camelot, Stuntman, and Terminator.”

Furnace Games Logo “We have had the opportunity to collaborate with the Riposte team over the last couple of months and to tap into their cross platform expertise for our next games will be a major difference maker”, says Jim Montgomery, CTO and Co-founder at Furnace Games. “This type of partnership allows us to focus on the creative innovation and push the boundaries of the next generation experiences.”

We’ll bring you more information on the Furnace and Riposte collaboration and Dungeon Stars when we have it.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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