Dungeons & Dragons Online Update 17: Return to Gianthold Released

With their seventeenth ambitious content update, Turbine has officially revamped Dungeons & Dragons Online’s Gianthold area, dungeons, items, and storyline to accommodate both heroic- and epic-level adventurers. A full set of patch notes can be found here, but I’ll just quote the informative beginning:

Gianthold is now available for Epic level characters in addition to heroic level characters. The mysteries of the Draconic Prophecy await you!

‘¢ Gianthold now supports heroic and epic mode!
‘¢ Raid and quest flagging mechanics have been changed for heroic and epic versions of Gianthold.

‘¢ You must now complete the following quests for Gianthold Tor & Raid flagging: ‘¢ Cabal for One ‘¢ Prison of the Planes ‘¢ Madstone Crater

‘¢ You no longer need to turn in relics as part of quest progression. Relics can now be used instead to barter with NPCs for new treasure. ‘¢ Players who have not previously completed Cabal for One may need to run this quest before they can play the raid, even if they were previously raid flagged.

‘¢ Epic Dragonscale armor is now available!
‘¢ It is no longer possible to turn in outdated Dragonscale Armor in exchange for scales.
‘¢ The Epic version of the landscape features random encounters.
‘¢ Players who already own the Gianthold adventure pack will automatically have access to the new Epic difficulty versions of the quests.

Other Changes

Prison of the Planes:
‘¢ Using social skills when speaking with Carum Imur now use a d20 roll to determine success. The difficulty for this skill check has also been increased.
‘¢ It is now possible to leave the Daanvi room after completing Sir Raleigh’s challenge.

The Crucible: 
‘¢ Using social skills when speaking with Daggertooth and Vrall now use a d20 roll to determine success. The difficulty for these skill checks has also been increased.
‘¢ Fixed an issue where picking up the Horn of Agility would sometimes trap players in the room.
‘¢ Madstone: A Fire Giant no longer gets stuck spamming the chat log with a report about a door opening.

Gianthold Tor:
‘¢ Removed some stuck spots.
‘¢ A quest objective no longer triggers at the wrong time, spoiling the story outcome.

Feast or Famine:
‘¢ A treasure chest that was previously devoid of treasure is now filled with goodies. To balance this, a trap that was previously not very effective is now much more problematic if not disabled.
‘¢ There is now a way to manually summon the Orc Hunting party instead of waiting the full amount of time for them to return. It may still take a minute or two for them to get there after being summoned.

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