Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Details Leak

Wired.com has a bunch of updates on several leaks coming from the Dungeons & Dragons Experience expo in Virginia.

Wizards of the Coast, the current custodians of the D&D universe, have been talking about the upcoming fourth edition of the game for months, but they’ve been fairly cagey about hard details, preferring to tell us more about how elves love footraces than how much damage a fireball does. They’re running actual 4e games at D&D Experience, though, and thanks to people with scanners, you can too!

How? Well, start by grabbing character sheets from one attendee’s Picasa ablum. (Halfling paladin? Naw. Tiefling wizard.) You can get a sheet outlining the basic differences between third and fourth edition there, or get a nicer-looking one (.zip) from the official Wizards website.

Now, what can your doughty, or possibly doughy, heroes fight? Well, EN World has stats for the Kobold Skirmisher all ready for you. That’s right: At long last you can run The Dungeon of Endless, Statistically Identical Kobolds, months before the official rules release.

Spotted on Slashdot.

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