Dungeons & Dragons Online Review

The guys at Gaming Age have written up a fairly detailed review of Turbine’s Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach, giving the MMORPG an overall score of “C+”.

All in all, Dungeons and Dragons online is a nice way to whittle away some time, and it also serves as a nice alternative to a lot of the MMO’s available today. If you’re not hung up on PvP and crafting, and prefer to engage in quests over exploration, there’s a good chance this game will definitely appeal to you. I would definitely suggest this to a more casual crowd than some of the level grinders out there. If you’re only planning on putting in an hour or two a day (or less) than you should easily get your money’s worth out of this title. The more “hardcore” types won’t want to bother though, because in a month’s time you’ll easily be able to experience a large, large portion of what DDO has to offer.

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