Dungeons & Dragons Online Reviews

Two more websites have posted their reviews of Turbine’s ambitious MMORPG, Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach. The first is at SciFi.com with an overall score of “B-“:

But like the offline version, D&D Online was probably designed to appeal to its franchise base first, and as a literal translation, it’s laudably successful. If you want to get as close as current tech can to nostalgic D&D, here you go. Else stick with the more accommodating darling of the moment, World of Warcraft. WoW may owe as much to old-school D&D as the rest, but it remains better rounded.

And the second is at Digital Entertainment News with an overall score of 7.9/10:

Overall, DDO doesn’t really compare to the mark-setters like Guild Wars and World of Warcraft. It doesn’t have the replay value, detail or the feature to even match up. However, its graphics are pleasant as well as its sound effects, and single-player gameplay is enjoyable. The main gripe I have with DDO is that there simply isn’t enough content to play through and get a reasonable experience. It’s all over much too quickly for my liking.

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