Dungeons & Dragons Podcast, Author Reading 3

Wizards of the Coast has released a third “author reading” podcast, this time with Forgotten Realms author Richard Baker reading a passage from his Corsair novel.

Kamoth Kastelmar, Lord of the Black Moon

He was a sadistic young lord who charmed his way into the marrying the Harmach of Hulburg’s sister before he was exiled for conspiring against his new brother-and-law.

Now he is Captain of the Kraken Queen, High Captain of the Black Moon Corsairs a ruthless pirate fleet that scours the Moonsea, raping, pillaging, and burning wherever they go.

He was willing to let bygones be bygones, but when the Harmach of Hulburg arms a warship to thwart his piracy, he starts taking their actions against him personally.

It’s time to teach the harmach a lesson in respect.

It’s time to raze Hulburg.

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