Dungeons & Dragons Podcast: Penny Arcade/PvP Ep8

Penny Arcade’s Gabe and Tycho have once again teamed up with PvP’s Scott Kurtz for an eighth session of 4th Edition D&D in the latest entry to Wizards of the Coast’s Dungeons & Dragons podcast series.

Here we go, folks the final episode in our second series of podcasts with Acquisitions Inc. How will it end? The necromancer has the party on the ropes. can they hold him off? Or will they simply surrender in ignominy?

  • Jim Darkmagic: back from the grave, but kicking ass. until he dies again!
  • Binwin: out of healing surges, and in definite need of an extended rest!
  • Omin: unable to roll higher than negative numbers!
  • Al: bloodied, taking necrotic damage, but still the only one who can go toe-to-toe with a necromancer!

We won’t spoil the ending, but will say this isn’t the end of the adventure. at least for those wishing to follow in the footsteps of Acquisitions Inc. Look for the podcast scenario to appear in a future issue of Dungeon Magazine!

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