Dungeons Interview

Dungeons creative director Christian Wolfertstetter fields some more questions about the strategy/RPG crossbreed in a quick Q&A over at C&G Monthly Magazine.

CGM: You’ve basically taken the Diablo/Torchlight dungeon-crawling model and turned it on its head. What was it like to develop an idea that’s at the same time familiar and unexpected?

CW: It was a great experience. We thought about what we liked about Diablo and how we played it and tried to integrate this into Dungeons. Many things were clear how they should be, and we tried to work them into a challenging game.

Some things had to be changed in order to enhance the gameplay but it’s still nice to see that the early vision is still clearly visible.

CGM: Were there any other games that influenced your team during design?

CW: Diablo, Torchlight and many other Action-RPGs and, of course, the epic Dungeon Keeper. It has similarities to Dungeons, although in DK you try to entertain your minions while in Dungeons you entertain the heroes. It doesn’t sound like much, but it actually has a big impact on gameplay.

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