Earthrise Interview

The guys at IncGamers are offering up their own three-page Earthrise interview with Masthead Studios CEO Atanas Atanasov.

Q: Some MMOs are going toward more action in the combat mechanics; could you give us some insight into Earthrise’s combat pace?

A: The combat in ‘Earthrise’ will not be as dynamic as a typical third person shooter, but will not be as slow as a classical MMO title such as ‘Everquest’ or ‘WoW’. The combat outcome will depend on both the players’ skill just like in every action game as well as players’ statistics and gear like most other MMO titles. Being a PvP oriented game, ‘Earthrise’ will not feature power creep or the effect of the well geared player who always kills the newbie. The starting player will have the chance to kill someone who has spent more hours in the game.

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