Electronic Arts Cancelling Over a Dozen Projects

It’s hard to say if this affects any of BioWare’s projects yet, but word from IGN is that Electronic Arts has cancelled over a dozen unannounced projects as part of their current restructuring efforts.

During the company’s financial investor call this afternoon, CEO John Riccitiello gave a bleak outlook to many “risk” titles fans were hopeful for release in the next couple years. When asked by an analyst where the reduction in work force would reflect its current crop of projects, Riccitiello responded by saying the company had decided to cut over a dozen still unannounced titles, and added the company is focusing on guaranteed hits going forward in this struggling economy.

“Electronic Arts has a core slate of games labels and sports franchises that we will iterate on an annual or bi-annual basis,” he explained. “All of them are selling or have sold in their most recent edition 2 million units or more.

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