Elemental: War of Magic v1.39 Beta Patch Released

AI enhancements, performance improvements, better pathfinding, and much more are among the fixes included in the new v1.39 beta patch for Stardock’s Elemental: War of Magic. The full changelog:

+ Training Times for soldiers reduced based on population

+ Reduced reliance on critical sections to improve performance, decrease chances for a race condition

+ Weapon and defense rolls are now bell curved (rather than a single strike attempt, many strike attempts are simulated for more normalized damage)

+ AI bonuses reduced. At normal difficulty the AI gets the same stuff as player.

+ ZOC reduced

+ Quests no longer spawn at start of the game

+ Level Up points increased from 3 to 5

+ Capital prestige bonus increased to 1.0

+ Sovereign now provides 1.0 research per turn

+ Spell research cost reduced from 100 to 50 as its base

+ Prestige penalty eliminated

+ Low level improvement build time reduced from 5 to 1 turns

+ The Constitution stat provides more HP than previously

+ Constitution on base units increased from 4 to 5

+ New debugging calls inserted (see debug.err)

+ AI much more prone to cast spells in tactical battle

+ Notable locations give more interesting stuff

+ AI city management code optimized for performance

+ City management placed in main thread for better multicore stability

+ Path finding depth increased to allow for more reliable path finding

+ Monsters less likely to attack cities, especially early game

+ AI sovereign bug fixed, won’t just wander to his death (thanks Cari!)

+ Ranged weapon damage nerfed (crude bows from 4 to 3, cedar from 12 to 8 and long bows from 15 to 12)

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