Elemental: War of Magic Video Tutorial and Gameplay Example #6

With the game’s release less than 24 hours away, the official Elemental: War of Magic website is sporting a seven-part video tutorial and a sixth gameplay example. From the latter:

So powerful had Roland’s daughter become that it was said that even the mighty dragons preferred her company.

But in truth, Roland, having mastered the art of diplomacy, had put great effort into seeking out and gaining the trust of the legendary creatures.

[Developer’s note: We have since tweaked the defense of dragons to be somewhat higher]

Dragons are immensely powerful but one little known fact about them, they are expensive to keep fed. Over 6 gildars a month was spent feeding them.

And so it was with dragons and other creatures of might that Kalypso, the most powerful Channeler of her generation, marched to war to deal with the menace of Yithril once and for all.

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