Elemental: War of Magic’s DRM is Perfect

Stardock has always voiced their disdain of intrusive DRM schemes, and so we’ve known for some time now that Elemental: War of Magic will be another buyer-friendly experience when we pick it up next month. This is the attitude other game publishers should have, too:

Brad Wardell, CEO of Stardock, recently told PC Gamer what sort of DRM he has planned for his upcoming turn based strategy-cum-RPG Elemental: War of Magic. His plan is simple: (What I think would be helpful against piracy is if you actually gave users stuff.) The limited edition boxed set of the game will be full of undownloadable trinkets.

It’ll contain a map, pewter dragon, a poster, and the Hiergemenon the game’s encyclopedia, in book form. Brad calls it (Half D&D monster manual and half lore book.) It’s got maps and artwork, race profiles, short stories, and a detailed breakdown of the game’s universe.

Thanks, Blue’s News.

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