Entropy’s Fall Launches IndieGoGo Campaign

Entropy’s Fall by Poor Small Studio is a 2D adventure game that tells a tale of revenge and duty and gives you the opportunity of defeating large powerful godlike creatures. They have launched their IndieGoGo campaign so we thought we’d take a quick look and see just what it’s all about. For more information on the IndieGoGo campaign for Entropy’s Fall check out their page here.

Entropy’s Fall to be released on PC, Linux and Mac gets rid of all the minions, grinding and smaller creatures and allows what is collectively known as the boss fights to shine. Playing as Kayos (pronounced Chaos, presumably) who’s seeking revenge against the god who either caused or simply allowed his wife to be butchered. He’s pissed and we get that.

“I don’t think I’ll ever forget what she looked like when she died or how she turned pale, then blue, and it was a quiet death.” – Kayos

The story is engaging, but the description from the official site explains the story as this.

“Fight your way through massive, colossal, mythical warriors known as the ‘Arafa’ who hold the key to defeating your target. Explore the living planet of ‘Entropy’ known for its wonder and beauty. Though your cause is guided by the God of Justice, ‘The Tribunal’, you may be forced to question your purpose, your morality. Will Kayos have revenge? Will The Tribunal have justice? Can the Arafa be beaten? Or will it all just lead to Entropy’s Fall?”

Entropy's Fall Indie Shout Out Screenshot 2

If you’re a fan of Shadow of Colossus and Gods of War then Entropy’s Fall is worth a look. Swing, jump and climb across the side scrolling environments, until you find the Arafa. Each Arafa is large and distinctive and there’s a puzzle to defeating each one. So, charging at them head on is probably not the way to go, unless you want an early demise.

All this god-defeating adventure is wrapped up in 2D comic-style visuals that add a distinctive look and feel to the game.

Entropy's Fall Indie Shout Out Screenshot

If you want more information on Entropy’s Fall check out Poor Small Studio’s official site here or check out their IndieGoGo campaign here.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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