Equipment and Forge Update

I will be gone for most of the day, but I leave you with an equipment update. Many thanks to those of you who have submitted some of the items that Cespenar can forge, it’s much appreciated. And if any of you have strategy guides for any type of obstacles in Throne of Bhaal, feel free to submit those too. I’m sure there are lots of good ways to defeat Demogorgon =).

Updated Pages: Cespenar’s Forge (includes Aslyferund Elven Chain +5 and Thieves’ Hood), Chain Armor (includes Aslyferund Elven Chain +5), Containers (includes additional locations for Bag of Holding, Potion Case, and Scroll Case), Daggers (includes Dagger of the Star +4), Helmets (includes Lavender Ioun Stone and Thieves’ Hood), Long Swords (includes Angurvadal +4), Wands (includes two new locations for the Wand of Spell Striking)

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