Equipment and Screenshot Update

I’ve finished keying in all of the Albion & Midgard armor from our equipment pages, as well as our Albion weapons. I will also add the Hibernia items we have posted so far and will be scouring my inbox to add quite a few new ones, so expect them soon. In addition to finishing Midgard’s armor and Albion’s weapons, I have also added quite a few brand new items to the database, bringing us to a grand total of 2468 items (my fingers hurt).

And for those of you who like funny Camelot moments, I have posted up a new featured screenshot from one of our guild members after his group pulled a few too many Wights in Barrows. Enjoy.

New/Updated Albion Armor: 6 Items
New/Updated Albion Weapons: 14 Items
New/Updated Midgard Armor: 34 Items

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