Equipment Update

Just another equipment update… as you have probably noticed, I’m saving most of the real powerful stuff for last =). This update does include some fairly powerful weapons and rings, however.

Unfortunately, I cannot remember where I found the Buckler +1 (it’s not listed in my notes), so if anyone knows, please email me.

Updated Pages: Axes (includes Artoth’s Bane, Battleaxe +2, Battleaxe +4, Battlaxe +5, and Silverleaf Hatchet), Books (includes Draude’s Illustrated Codex Maleficus), Longswords (includes Drow Longsword +3, Drow Longsword +5, Longsword +5, and Pureblade), Maces (includes Drow Mace +5, Orcish Lead Mace, and Silverleaf Rod), Rings (includes Arknor’s Vile Voice, Cerulean Ring, and Death’s Head Ring), Shields (includes Buckler +1, Drow Large Shield +2, Faldis’s Defender, Lancer’s Guard, Large Shield +4, and Small Shield +4)

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