Equipment Update

I apologize for not getting an equipment update in over the last couple of days, but I was one of the lucky people to receive a beta copy of Dungeon Siege and have been diligently working my way through it to get a preview and screenshots posted up at our Dungeon Siege site.

However, today I went through the many submissions from the last few days to get a very nice equipment update for you. This update includes equipment from the new epic zones as well as many of the other zones that were itemized recently. Additionally, you can now filter our Weapons Database for weapons that “proc”, as I promised last week. Once Mythic adds more procs than just DD and a couple DOTs, I will add a way to search by a specific type of proc. But until then, enjoy =).

New/Updated Albion Armor: 24 Items
New/Updated Albion Weapons: 11 Items
New/Updated Hibernia Armor: 1 Item
New/Updated Hibernia Weapons: 2 Items
New/Updated Midgard Armor: 3 Items
New/Updated Midgard Weapons: 2 Items

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