Equipment Update

I’ve implemented the changes to our Armor and Weapon databases today, but keep in mind these are only the initial changes. There are several reasons why we’ve changed the display:

  • It allows us to present more information. The old display was getting very crowded and I wanted to add more columns, such as the Proc Type for each weapon, etc.
  • It allows us (and you) to link directly to a specific item.
  • It allows for changes in the future, such as the addition of a “Comments” section below each item.

For those of you who may not like a certain aspect of the changes, please send us some feedback and we’ll see what we can do.

New/Updated Albion Armor: 2 Items
New/Updated Albion Weapons: 3 Items
New/Updated Hibernia Armor: 4 Items
New/Updated Hibernia Weapons: 4 Items
New/Updated Midgard Armor: 10 Items
New/Updated Midgard Weapons: 2 Items

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