Equipment Update

With the help of Alista/Alukor and Anakha of Pellinor, and Violete of Merlin, I have added every single piece of armor that you can buy on Albion’s side of Darkness Falls to the database (which brings us over 4500 items total). This was a lot of work, and unfortunately there’s not a good way of determining the quality/bonus of any of the items unless I actually get a screenshot of the item after it has been bought (simply viewing the item from the merchant page does not display quality or bonus). So… if you’ve purchased any of the equipment listed that is showing a “?” in any of the fields, please submit a screenshot of it and I’ll get the stats updated in the database.

Another thing worthy of note is that I’ve added Darkness Falls to the “zone” dropdown lists on our Armor and Weapon search pages. Enjoy!

New/Updated Albion Armor: 171 Items

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