Eric Dallaire Interview

The Inquisition has posted an interview with Eric Dallaire, designer at Reflexive Entertainment and lead writer on Lionheart. Here’s a clip:

    Q: Will it be possible to play an “evil”-aligned character and win the game with a possible good “evil” ending that doesn’t suggest that you screwed up?

    A: Absolutely. We’ve actually scripted quite a few alternate endings. For example, there are several possible good endings, some where you succeed and some where you succeed at a considerable cost. And the evil ending is very different from the good ending. I felt guilty writing it because it’s so bad. Which is good, I suppose.

    We feel the alternate endings are vital for the player to have a sense that the story could have unfolded differently if given a chance to go back and change a critical decision. We realize that some players like to play the game again to see different endings and character responses, so we’ve spent a fair amount of time scripting branching possibilities.

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