Eschalon: Book II Monstrous October

Basilisk Games has been kind of up and down in keeping up their Q&A of the week feature, so for October they’re going to put in monstrous updates…about monsters.

September 3, 2008 – Basilisk’s Monstrous October

Many of you have been following our weekly Q&A thread where we answer your questions regarding Eschalon: Book II. We’ve been mostly good at keeping up with it regularly, posting new answers usually over the weekends. If you haven’t seen it yet, please follow the link and check it out!

I mention this Q&A Thread only because we have decided to run a feature in October where rather than answer a new question each week, we will instead unveil a new Book II monster complete with stats, lore and picture. We will link to the monster’s page from here in the Recent Updates thread, so be sure to check here for the first monster on Monday, October 6th!

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