EverQuest II: A New Look

GameSpy has published some updated impressions of Sony Online’s EverQuest sequel, shedding some light on some of the fundamental changes that have been made to the MMORPG since its release. An excerpt to follow:

Two of the biggest changes — the complete reworking of the beginner’s experience, and the introduction of real-deal PvP — have been implemented very recently. The latter, specifically, was the single most gaping void exhibited by the game since launch. The Qeynos-versus-Freeport dichotomy that the game’s story is predicated on begged for a meaningful way for players of opposing alignments to express their mutual hatred. SOE has delivered this, along with six PvP-enabled servers equipped with some pretty interesting rule sets. Meanwhile, the refined newbie experience introduces players to Norrath in a more interesting and rewarding manner, not to mention it’s infinitely more effective at driving home the fact that there’s a war going on.

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