EverQuest II Comparative Preview

FileFront has released another comparative preview for EverQuest II, pointing out the similarities and differences between other MMORPGs and the much anticipated sequel. Check it out:

New to the second EverQuest is the option to receive quests from tomes or books. For instance, when you begin the game on the beginner’s island, you can buy a book from a merchant, which gives you a quest to find all parts of a goblin. Another new addition is the (collectables,) which appear in the form of a sparkling point on the ground in random places. Players collect various groups of objects from shattered bones to butterflies, and are rewarded for each set they collect.

Some quests require players to group, which is not a huge problem in this game like it has been in other MMORPGs. Using a command at the top of their screen, players can search for others looking for a group to join, as well as being able to display an (LFG) tag next to their name, letting other players know they are looking for a group.

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