Ex-BioWare Devs Found KnightMayor, Announce Mooncrest

We’re in no shortage of RPGs, AAA, indie or in-between, but that hasn’t stopped developers from announcing new ones. The latest to join the fray is KnightMayor, a studio formed by ex-BioWare developers. The studio almost immediately took the opportunity to announce Mooncrest, a character-driven fantasy RPG, and has since been divulging info on the game’s gameplay mechanics and heroines.

There’s still a lot to learn about the game, but apparently the core pillars of the game are a story that focuses on sisterhood told in part through “cinematic conversations”, combat inspired by the Souls games, and adventure game-style puzzles. A snippet on combat:

Moment to Moment Tactics
Combat in Mooncrest is driven heavily by the use of a stamina gauge. Most combat actions will drain a portion of it and, though it is constantly recovering, you’ll have to plot your actions and movements with your stamina in mind. Careless attacks can leave you unprepared to defend against an enemy’s renewed assault.

While the best defense may be a good offense, you will eventually find yourself in a situation where self-defense is the more prudent course of action. You can stop most damage from an attack with your own weapon and timing the deflection correctly will result in a more effective blocking action and may buy you an opening to strike back. If an attack looks to dangerous to stop, you always have the option of quickly evading past or through it to position yourself for a lethal follow-up!

Weapons of the Order
As a paladin, Sera is trained in the use of the longsword, mace, and axe. You’ll need to learn the ins and outs of all three if you want to survive the coming evils. They each different move sets, strengths, and weaknesses in combat; whereas the long sword is fast and has the advantage of reach, the mace is heavy, slow, and capable of staggering an opponent more easily. Choose the right weapon for the right job and crush those that stand before you.

Making Combat Your Own
In addition to developing your own approach to combat, you’ll gain skill points that allow you to unlock new active and passive abilities to further support your personal style when waging war. Interested in improving your blocking capabilities? Want to evade more effectively? Maybe you just want to break faces faster than before. There’s a skill for that.

Two Heads are Better than One
The way forward will be dangerous, but you won’t have to face your challenges alone! Pirotase is skilled with a bow and she’ll have your back, supporting with cover fire and snarky commentary about the state of the battle and providing insight into your enemies weaknesses. Timed carefully, you can also call shots to stagger your foes and leave them wide open for a crushing counterattack.

Your influence over Pirotase’s senses of Discipline and Compassion will also feed into her combat skills, making her an even more deadly archer than she already is.

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