Expeditions: Rome – Combat Trailer

Now that you can get a taste of what Logic Artists’ historical RPG Expeditions: Rome has to offer thanks to the game’s demo, we get this new trailer that goes over the basics of the game’s combat system that eschews basic attacks in favor of specialized skills. Check it out:

Vindobona, Noricum / Hafnia, Daniae, Decembris XX, MMXXI: “Si vis pacem, para bellum!” If you want peace, prepare for war! The Roman Empire was built on military power. Their disciplined, well-organized, and well-equipped legions conquered almost all of Europe, North Africa, and parts of western Asia. In the upcoming cRPG Expeditions: Rome you are taking command of Legio Victrix, in order to fight against the enemies of the Republic of Rome. In the latest trailer, Centurio Caeso Aquilinius gives the new recruits a proper drill and explains, how exactly the turn-based combat In Expeditions: Rome works. So prepare to learn about the use of the Gladius, a Scutum, and the famous Roman Pilum.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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