Fable 2 Localization Interview

German blog Lionnose has posted an interview with Microsoft Game Studios’ Declan MacHugh and Jason Shirley that primarily deals with the German localization of Fable 2, though it also extends into other topics.

Years ago, publishers released games in different territories with often long delays between them, while today simultaneous worldwide releases seem to be a new trend. Is there a difference for you when it comes to a worldwide release like Fable 2?

Jason and Declan: The product release is sim ship so our production must be very close behind the developers to ensure we make it on time to market. The nature of game development is that there are changes happening right up till the end. For localization this is a big challenge and we have to put in place careful processes to ensure we capture all the changes in time for release. In reality it means plenty of late nights and overtimes in the last few weeks before we hand off to certification and then into Manufacturing.

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