Fable: Coin Golf Released

Microsoft has announced that Fable: Coin Golf is now availble on the Xbox Live Marketplace for $4.99, so Windows 7 Phone owners who plan on picking up Fable III might want to consider also grabbing the pub game-inspired spin-off if they’re looking to earn a little extra gold for their Albion travels.

Fable: Coin Golf draws upon the wealth of traditional British pub games like Shove Ha’Penny, Bar Billiards, and Skittles, then combines them with elements from very popular modern puzzle games to create a challenging skill-based game that is entirely in keeping with the Fable pub game universe.

Played from an overhead perspective, your quest is to rid the land of evil and conquer each area by getting your Hero Puck into the Pillar of Light in as few shots as possible.

Obstacles, hazards and pickups litter the way challenging you to think carefully about the route that you take. Take as few shots as possible, thereby earning large bonuses that affect the area score. Scores can also be increased by performing various feats around the table. Gold earned from these areas can be transferred to your Fable III game on Xbox 360 or PC.

Interestingly, the developer is listed as Ideaworks Gamestudio instead of Lionhead Studios. I guess they’re already busy with Fable IV.

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