Fable II Interview

VideoGamer.com continues to dish out tidbits from their drawn-out interview with Peter Molyneux. This time, they talk DLC, with Molyneux all-but-confirming Fable II will be getting downloadable content.

Speaking to VideoGamer.com in a giant wide-ranging interview, the third part of which is due to be published later this week, the outspoken Molyneux stopped short of outright confirming DLC for the hotly anticipated Fable II, but did let slip some details on what it might include, as well as when it might be available.

He said: “Without any official announcements, I would say that we’d be pretty dumb not to plan it. What I would say, if we’re going to do DLC then I definitely don’t want it to be just a whole load of new weapons and armour. I just don’t want it to be that. It needs to be something a bit more tangible and it would be nice if you didn’t have to wait months and months for it as well.”

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